Sunday, December 07, 2008

Reservist: 24 Nov - 6 Dec

Ho ho, it's been more than a month since I last updated...

Nothing much happening so far except for the fact that I've been going back to school until the week before my reservist and that I've just finished my 14-day "vacation" at Sungei Gedong Camp. I've always enjoyed my reservist mainly because of the fact that I get to meet up with my army friends of about eight years. My only lament is that reservist normally falls during my year-end break from school. However, reservist next year will be in August... which means that I will probably miss three weeks teaching in school, which means that I will probably be super busy prior to my reservist next year, rushing as much of my work as possible.

This year's reservist marked the 6th reservist training for my unit. The highlight of this reservist was ATEC Stage I, the first part of the exam for all active and reservist NS units. There were a total of about 28 skills/drills to be tested and I was required to be trained in four or five of them, but was tested in only one station finally, the AI section crew drill. Next year's reservist will be a shiong one... 21 days... with many many outfield activities.

IPPT (physical fitness test) was the next "big" activity that takes place every year. Having not exercised for a year, it was of no surprise that I didn't manage to clear my running. Will probably start running regularly so that I can pass my IPPT (and be SGD100 richer) by my next birthday. The results of this year's IPPT: Shuttle run - 10 sec, Standing broad jump - 225 cm, Chin up - 5, Sit up - 39 and running - 13 min 17 sec. A total of 16 points but an overall fail because of my running. Not bad for not having exercised for a year, but I'll definitely do better for my next test. Heh.

Another week or so before returning to school to start preparing for the coming year. Will be going to Genting from 12 - 14 December... hopefully it'll be a good trip =]


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